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来源: 文学网 时间:2024-04-30
1、只要你竖起耳朵,仔细地听,就可以听见春天正在来临的优雅的脚步声。 As long as you put up your ears and listen carefully, you can hear the elegant footsteps of spring coming. 2、春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步,撒下一片繁茂。 Spring girl with light steps, scattered a lush. 3、风,轻轻地、温和地吹着,是美丽的秋姑娘姗姗而来。 The wind, gently and gently blowing, is the beautiful autumn girl. 4、桂花笑意盈盈地看着太阳,拼命地展现自己刚带上的金黄色衣裳。 Osmanthus smiling at the sun, trying to show their just on the golden yellow clothes. 5、哈哈哈爱就好像冬日温柔的阳光。 Mother's love is like the gentle sunshine in winter. 6、微风轻轻叫唤,杏花睁开了朦朦胧胧的眼睛。 The breeze gently calls, apricot blossom opened hazy eyes. 7、走在秋日的甬道上,风轻云淡,温暖像似流动于天地之间。 Walking on the corridor in autumn, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and the warmth seems to flow between heaven and earth. 8、睡莲花瓣一瓣瓣张开,像新生的婴儿,像明媚的笑容,欢欣地开放着。 The petals of the sleeping lotus petals open, like a newborn baby, like a bright smile, open happily. 9、杜鹃花每天都对自己精心的梳洗打扮。 Rhododendrons groom themselves carefully every day. 10、秋像花季的少女,清澈的天空宛如她纯净美丽的心。 Autumn is like a girl in flower season, and the clear sky is like her pure and beautiful heart. 11、老榆树的树身很粗很粗,树皮裂成了一块儿的,像大片的鱼鳞。 The trunk of the old elm is very thick and thick, and the bark is split into pieces, like large scales of fish scales. 12、海棠花羞涩地绽开了笑脸。 Begonia flower shyly opened a smile. 13、马路上,车辆、行人来来往往,川流不息。 On the road, vehicles and pedestrians come and go. 14、向日葵永远会向着阳光笑,因为它把悲伤隐藏在背影里。 Sunflower will always smile to the sun, because it hides the sadness in the back. 15、父亲对我来说像山一样,坚实而可靠,又像黑夜一样,深沉而神秘。 Father to me is like a mountain, solid and reliable, and like night, deep and mysterious. 16、红色的牡丹花,像手掌一样张开了。 Red peony, like the palm of the hand opened. 17、这云海真是不可思议啊,它变化多端,奇形怪状。 This sea of clouds is incredible. It is changeable and strange. 18、夜深人静时,夜来香慢慢的露出了美丽的面庞,甜甜地笑着。 In the dead of the night, the night fragrance slowly revealed her beautiful face, smiling sweetly. 19、每天早上,小闹钟都会“丁零零”的叫我起床,让我从甜蜜的梦中醒来。 Every morning, the small alarm clock will "Ding zero" wake me up, let me wake up from the sweet dream. 20、樱花在阳光的映照下,笑容是那样的灿烂。 Cherry blossom in the sunshine, smile is so brilliant. 21、瘦西湖风景如画,一切都是那么朦胧,令人流连忘返! The scenery of the thin West Lake is picturesque. Everything is so hazy that you can't forget to go back! 22、早晨,为我值勤的闹钟用清晰动听的歌声把我叫醒,我赶快起了床。 In the morning, the alarm clock on duty woke me up with a clear and beautiful song, and I got up quickly. 23、傲慢给人带来危害,谦卑给人恩惠。 Pride does harm, humility favors. 24、春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。 Spring is like a shy little girl, hiding and hiding. 25、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。 In spring, Jiangnan is beautiful. The wind is soft, the air is fresh and the sun is warm. 26、立春已经来临,只好把你关进春园,摁上春床,送你春梦,噩梦不许有。 The beginning of spring has come, so I have to put you in the spring garden, press the spring bed, send you spring dream, nightmare is not allowed. 27、高粱像做错了事的小姑娘,涨红了小脸。 Sorghum looks like a little girl who has done something wrong and blushes. 28、秋天好像个储存柜,所有的动物都在为冬天贮粮食。 Autumn is like a storage cabinet. All the animals are storing food for winter. 29、水仙花盛开,纤细的花梗托着金黄色的穗子,在晚风中摇来摆去。 Daffodils are in full bloom, and their slender pedicels hold golden ears and sway in the evening wind. 30、欣赏无限的春光,拥抱灿烂的美好。 Enjoy the infinite spring and embrace the splendid beauty. 31、立春到了,一年之计在于春,希望你能积极进取。 Spring is coming, the plan of the year is spring. I hope you can make progress. 32、落叶飘过天空显现不出美丽的天空,却可以点缀出自信的人生。 Fallen leaves float across the sky, showing no beautiful sky, but can embellish a confident life. 33、三月来了花正红,五月来了花正开,八月来了花正香,十月来了花不败。 In March, flowers are in full bloom, in May they are blooming, in August they are fragrant, and in October they are invincible. 34、春风像一把巨大的扇子,给大地带来清凉。 Spring breeze is like a huge fan, bringing cool to the earth. 35、湖水真清呀!你看!清澈见底,可以看到水底的沙石。 How clear the lake is! Look! Clear to the bottom, you can see the bottom of the sand. 36、黄昏,夕阳洒在河水上的光,像是许多金针银线,随着水波晃动着。 At dusk, the light of the setting sun on the river, like many gold needles and silver threads, swayed with the water waves. 37、一年之计在于春,早睡早起重养身。 The plan of a year is spring. Go to bed early and get up early. 38、随风飘荡的云朵,又好像在天空中漂游的小船。 Clouds floating with the wind are like boats drifting in the sky. 39、一道残阳平铺水面,半江如同碧玉,半江闪烁着耀眼的红光。 A setting sun on the surface of the water, half river like Jasper, half River flashing dazzling red light. 40、胡杨是很坚韧的树;胡杨是很无私的树;胡杨是我平生所见很悲壮的树。 Populus euphratica is the most tenacious tree; Populus euphratica is the most selfless tree; Populus euphratica is the most tragic tree I have ever seen. 41、秋风一吹,金黄的桂花渐渐张开了笑脸。 Autumn wind blowing, golden osmanthus gradually opened a smiling face. 42、秋天到了,果园里的柿子熟了,像一只只小灯笼似的。 Autumn is coming, the persimmons in the orchard are ripe, just like a little lantern. 43、树上飘落的翠叶,落进了瀑布,好似一叶扁舟,悠然来,悠然去。 The green leaves falling from the trees fall into the waterfall like a boat, coming and going leisurely. 44、玫瑰花在中午的时候悄悄的笑了。 The rose smiles quietly at noon. 45、老师终于笑了,她笑得多么开心,多么甜蜜。 The teacher finally laughed. How happy and sweet she was. 46、细长的草茎中间露出淡青色的、蓝色的和淡紫色的矢车菊。 Among the slender stems are cyan, blue and lavender. 47、夜雾袭来,仲夏的夜晚倒有点凉意,朦胧的月光下,看不到几颗星星。 Night fog hit, midsummer night is a bit cool, hazy moonlight, can not see a few stars. 48、春天万物苏醒了,醒了岂不是很忙呢? Everything wakes up in spring. Isn't it very busy to wake up? 49、睡莲就像个活泼的小朋友张开了笑脸在池里开放了。 The water lily opened up like a child in the pool. 50、牡丹像充满活力的孩子,竞相开放,向我们展示出蓬勃的朝气。 Peony like a dynamic child, competing to open up, to show us a vigorous vitality. 51、用立春的骄阳,照亮前程美好。 With the beginning of spring sun, bright future. 52、我的作业本丢了,急的我好像热锅上的蚂蚁。 I lost my homework book. I feel like an ant on a hot pot. 53、对于这种异常现象,他说得头头是道,好像就跟真理一样。 He said this anomaly as if it were truth. 54、落日大像黑暗,整个城市的蝉的翅膀像金纱、大像覆盖着神秘的色彩。 The setting sun is like darkness, and the wings of cicadas in the whole city are like gold gauze and covered with mysterious colors. 55、只有童年是快乐的,成年才是幸福的。 Only childhood is happy, adulthood is happy. 56、清秀的草丛一阵飘扬的绿色的海浪,正在沐浴月光。 Beautiful grass, a burst of green waves, is bathing in the moonlight. 57、雨过天晴后,东边的天空现出一道美丽的彩虹,像七彩桥似的。 After the rain, the sky in the East shows a beautiful rainbow, like a colorful bridge. 58、迟日江山丽,春风花草香。 In the late days, the rivers and mountains are beautiful, and the spring breeze is full of flowers and plants. 59、玉兰花揭开了脸上的面纱,向我们笑了起来。 Magnolia opened the veil on her face and laughed at us. 60、牵牛花开了,摆动着它那美丽的腰枝等待着大地的滋润。 Morning glory blossoms, swinging its beautiful waist branches, waiting for the earth's moisture.






